Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows. Type the name (or IP address) of the remote computer. The Shut Down shortcut will now be available as an icon on the Desktop and as a tile in the Windows UI Start screen. Type the following command and click the OK button.shutdown /i. Right-click the Shut Down shortcut again, and from the menu, click to select Pin to Start.In the Shut Down Properties window, click the OK button.NOTE: For this example we will select the Power Button icon. In the Change Icon window, click to select the icon you prefer for the shortcut, and then click the OK button.The t switch sets the time to wait before actually starting the cmd and in my case 00 stands for immediately as soon as I click on the shortcut. In the Shut Down Properties window, click the Shortcut tab, click the Change Icon button, and then click OK. C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 00 C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -r -t 00 The s switch is for shutdown and the r switch is for restart.Right-click the new Shut Down shortcut, and from the menu, click to select Properties.NOTE: You will now have a Shut Down shortcut on the Desktop. Under Type a name for this shortcut, type Shut Down and then click the Finish button.In the Create Shortcut window, type shutdown.exe –s –t 00 and then click the Next button.On the Desktop, right-click an empty space and from the menu, click to select New, and then click Shortcut.

In the new Windows User Interface (UI) Start screen, click the Desktop tile.

In order to add a Shut Down button to the Start screen in the new Windows User Interface (UI), you will first need to create a Shut Down shortcut on the traditional Windows Desktop, and then choose to Pin to Start that shortcut button. In the text box under Type the location of the item, type the following command and then click Next: Shutdown.